
Showing posts from 2019

Newsletter - The work of an Evangelist 2 Tim 4:5 - Jan 2020

Getting ready to leave News from the Hollanders: This is such a good illustration that I thought to share this with you: It's been a year of many challenges but also with great spiritual lessons and victories. We are now getting ready to leave Bloemfontein by end January 2020. Praise the Lord we got tenants for our house. We give Him all the glory! Pray for us for wisdom on what to take with us, what to sell and what to give away. Letting go of 6 of our 8 pets was hard for us and the kids. We had to catch their hearts and minister to them. I have applied for a permit to take the two birds with us so the kids can have at least these two to cuddle and hold. Please pray for us that the permit will be ready in time for our departure. We are also planning to meet up with some fellow believers in Pretoria on 2 Feb for fellowship. We are planning to go through to Mozambique on 6 Feb. Please pray for us with the preparations on moving as well as all provision nee

Newsletter - Released from the workplace into the Mission field - Dec 2019

Getting ready for the mission field: On Friday the 22nd of Nov we had a glorious time together as men. Praying from 5 am and seeking the Lord. Andre and his team were praying for me to release me from the workplace. Watch the video online of entering a new dimension of life. Click on the link below: Click Here How to Partner With Us : Read  ‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭9:13-14, ‭‭Philippians ‬ ‭2:25, ‭Acts‬ ‭20:24, Luke 6:38, Galatians 6:6 To donate in South Africa or from other nations:  Absa Bank  Name of account:  Hollander missionaries  Account Number: 9339912135  Branch code: 632005  Account Type: Savings   Swift Number:  ABSAZAJJ (international transfer code) Copyright © 2019 Steve & Ilse, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is:  or PO Box 48075 Hercules, 0030 South Africa ‭‭‬ ‭ ‬ ‭

Newsletter - (Missionary outreach to Mozambique Aug 2019) Nov 2019

A heart for the orphans: In Aug 2019, my wife and I with our 4 children, reached out to the orphans in Mozambique through our home church in Bloemfontein. There are currently two orphanages that are run by All Nations Mozambique and the plan is to open the third house for babies early in 2020. All Nations Mozambique was established by Pieter and Rika Boersema in 2005 where they started with only one house for orphan babies. My wife Ilse, reached out to them on several occasions before we got married in 2007. There are on average about 50 orphans that need care and love daily. When Pieter got diagnosed with leukemia four years ago, they moved back to Cape Town so he could get proper medical care. He sadly passed away two years ago and Rika felt that she had to stay in Cape Town with their boys to make sure they finish their studies while gracefully staying involved with the ministry. This left the orphans without a dad and mom and since then Rika and her te

Newsletter - Call to Mozambique - Oct 2019

Called as full-time missionaries in Mozambique : The Lord called us on my wife's birthday in Oct 2019 to be full-time evangelists in Mozambique. Working with the people and children has been a passion for me and my wife Ilse ever since we came to faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Yahusha HaMashiach).  I came to faith on 26 June 2004 and met Ilse June 2007 on a Christian camp in Pretoria. We got married in Nov 2007 because the Lord gave me confirmation that Ilse is to be my wife. The Children that the Lord gave us are our heritage and His reward to us (Ps 127:3). Our firstborn son, next to his mom, Christiaan (meaning follower of Jesus) was born in 2008. Waldo (meaning strong ruler in the authority that Christ gives) came in 2010. In 2012 the Lord showed us that He wanted us to adopt a baby girl because He wanted to give us a heart for adoption after His own Heart. Just as the Father adopted us as dear children in Christ (Ephesians 1:5), so in 2013 we adopted Abiga