
Showing posts from 2020

Newsletter - Thinking back on 2020 - Dec 2020

Good afternoon my beloved  Here's a link to our video commemorating the year We share some of our experiences Love you all

Newsletter - Preaching the Gospel - Nov 2020

Good day beloved  Hope it is well with your soul 🌈 First of all, I just want to praise our Father in heaven for the rain we had here on the farm. We are almost halfway through the Bible school and the year is drawing to a close. The much needed time we spend in the Lord's presence is so precious. Thanks for all your support and prayers. Singing about the blood of Jesus below. We also went for an outreach to Soutpan where we preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, many sick were healed and people gave devoted their lives to follow the King. Preaching the Gospel in the Streets Myself with Dean, Harrison, Waldo, Samuel and Christiaan Praying for a young lady with drug and substance abuse  Preaching and praying for people from house to house These ladies devoted their lives to Jesus and were baptised in the Holy Spirit This woman got healing in her legs and back This man got healing in his left arm for an injury he had many years back Enjoying an energy drink with the team after a long da

Newsletter - Ministry of reconciliation - Sep 2020

Greetings to all our friends  It is a new moon and a new month. Here is the scripture that I have on my heart to share with you: 2 Cor 5:18,19  And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. News on the Mozambique border: The border is open but you need to get a covid test on your own cost to show you are not infected. That means that we will have to trust the Lord for 6 tests. When you are through the border you also are required to quarantine for 14 days. Please pray for us for wisdom on what to do at this time.  We are approaching the 4th month of the Bible school and believe that we will complete this after month 12. We are thankful for this opportunity to prepare us in our walk as missionaries. We were so blessed to be able to attend a s

Newsletter - Bible school - Aug 2020

 It is August and the signs of spring are everywhere.  We started a Bible school about 8 weeks ago and so far it is going very well.  The plan is to train missionaries and send them all over Africa, making disciples and teaching them the fullness of God's Word. We are also helping to look after the farm animals. This will help us a lot when we will be going back to Mozambique to teach the local people there on farming God's way. We still have regular contact with brother Sam and his village. Please keep them in your prayers since his granddaughter past away. Our hearts are going out to their family and loved ones.  We are also very excited to learn Sotho from a course that a friend of ours borrowed to us during this period for us to reach the neighbours next door in a more effective way with the Gospel. Thank you for all your continued prayers and support. We are also praying for you and your families. We love you so much and bless you in Jesus Name  Peace and wholeness to you 

Newsletter - Preparing for the orphans and widows - Jun 2020

Good day beloved What a beautiful sunset, HalleluYah! It has been almost 3 months since the sudden lockdown started in March. Thank you for all your continued support and prayers. Our Father in heaven has placed us during this time with a ministry with a heart for orphans and widows. They have a small house that they plan to use for helping orphans and widows. We want to praise our Father in Heaven for all that He has done for us.  We have moved in here in the ministry house for the orphans and widows.   The ceilings finally arrived and we managed to get them up before the serious cold fronts came. My sons also helped me to fix the cupboards so there is more space for the kid's clothes  Please pray for us for the following: We are trusting our Father in heaven for the following: * more intimacy in our relationship with our Father  * roof seal and paint for the ministry house * our daily needs * strength to finish the house * for our health as a family They started a Bible school on