
Showing posts from February, 2020

Newsletter - Working in Moz - Feb 2020

News from the Mission field Safe in Mozambique   I first of all just want to thank our Father in heaven for helping us through the difficult month of January. It was very stressful to get everything packed up and be out on time. Praise the Lord for providing for our needs( food and travel cost to Moz) as well as precious friends to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We left Bloemfontein on 31 Jan 2020 to walk in the calling to be full-time missionaries in Moz.  How glorious are His ways? We could spend some time in Pretoria with family and friends till we left for Moz on the 6th of Feb. Arriving safely and getting a quick entry through the border allowed us to be on time to celebrate Timoteo's 7th Birthday  Please continue to keep us in your prayers and thanks for all your support. Our needs at the moment are food and water for the month for myself, my wife and the kids, we are trusting the Father for our everyday needs. We also need to go to Cape Town in March for o