
Showing posts from April, 2021

Newsletter - The Goodness of God - Apr 2021

 Good day fellow believers Looking back at this month and reflecting on the goodness of God. I thank the Lord always for what He has done. We were invited to reach out to the Western Cape to minister. After praying about it for a while some fellow believers contacted us to notify us that we have accommodation. Taking this as a sign that Father wants us to go there and do counselling we prayed more about how we will be getting there since we still needed fuel. Within a few days a payment came in on the account that confirmed the amount needed to travel. Praise our Lord and Savior for His provision. Upon arrival I realized that our Father has not just called us to work down there but also to rest a little and be refreshed.  We had the privilege to stay with fellow believers and also very good friends of us for many years.  As you know already we are still praying and trusting that God will help us to get the counselling room ready. While we are waiting , He has been good to us in providi