
Showing posts from May, 2021

Newsletter - Doing the work of the Kingdom - May 2021

Good day beloved I hope you are all doing good and that you are in good health. I greet you all in the Name of our Lord Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ)📖. Here is our scripture for the month : "But you, you have closely followed my teaching, conduct, purpose in life, trust, steadfastness, love, and perseverance"  2 Timothy 3:10  We just wanted to give you an update on the progress in our ministry. Doing the work of the Kingdom includes the following for us: Doing the work of an evangelist  2 Tim 4:5, preaching the Word Counseling people that want to be disciples and who seeks deliverance Making videos on the Word and making them available online Looking out for the widows and orphans  Intersession in prayers for the Body of Messiah (We are also praying for each one of you) and all work that the Spirit of the Living God asks us to do in His Name. The building on missionary house is making progress. Praise our Father in heaven for His provision. I have been busy doing the tile an