
Showing posts from October, 2021

Newsletter - He will tabernacle with us - Oct 2021

Good day beloved  I trust you are all doing good and that you are in health even as your soul prospers.  3 John 1:2 We had the privilege to camp the last week of September. This was during the  Lord's feast of tabernacles and during this week I was reminded of the promise of our Father that all this life is temporary and that we should focus on the things that are eternal and that we can look forward to Him that will tabernacle with us.  The children always enjoy this so much and always looks forward to this.  It's like they are designed for the Kingdom.  I am reminded of the scripture that says you need to become like a little child in order to enter into the Kingdom.  I was reading this scripture where our Father says "he that endures to the end shall be saved" Matt 10:22.  Therefore we continue  to run the race that is set before us and we continue in the faith to do the work of the Kingdom.  ( 1 Cor 9:24 and Heb 12:1) I have 10 people coming for weekly counselling