
Showing posts from 2022

Newsletter- Preparing the body- December 2022

Good day fellow believers  We hope that you are doing good and that it is well with you. Here is our scripture for the month πŸ“–  1 Corinthians 15:57 KJV — But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We would just like to give thanks to our Father in Heaven for all the breakthroughs and miracles over the past month  There are new doors opening up in Aliwal North where a Ministry has asked me to do the training for all their staff and volunteers on counseling and ministering to the people that the Lord will give them. Please pray for us to be able to workout the course with the Holy Spirit leading us on what to include and what to exclude πŸ™Œ We would also love to thank the Lord for the two sheep lambs and one goat lamb that He has given us. Working with sheep and goats has taught us a great deal about the Kingdom of God. We are seeking the lost like Jesus does. Thank you for all your continued prayers and support for the work of the Kingdom and for th

Newsletter - Souls for His Kingdom - Nov 2022

Good day beloved We greet you all in the beautiful Name of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ in Whom we have entered into the New Covenant Heb 8:10             " For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put My laws into their minds, and  write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people." We have been doing discipleship and counseling during this month. We also held a weekend seminar on inner restoration and deliverance. We ministered with Marina van Heerden. What a privilege to see people healed and delivered in Jesus Name. There were also follow-up appointments that came out of that seminar. Praise the Lord for opening doors. The High school in the area also opened its doors for us to do Bible study with the scholars on Friday afternoons and Praise and Worship services on Sunday mornings. Below you can see the scholars listening to Arian (the maths teacher) and myself (

Newsletter - Inner restoration and deliverance - Oct 2022

  Good day beloved We greet you all in the wonderful Name of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ and we are  "Tit 2:13  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" We have been doing discipleship and counseling during September and October. What a privilege to suffer for His Name as well as for the Gospel of the Kingdom. There are so many broken people and we often feel overwhelmed by all the suffering and hurt. The Lord has put in our hearts to hold a weekend seminar tomorrow and Saturday on inner restoration and deliverance. We will be ministering with Marina van Heerden. Please pray for all of us and our families' protection.  We also need English Bibles. Thank you for all your continued prayers and support for the work of the Kingdom and for the provision of our daily needs. Phil 4:7 If you can also continue to pray for the situation on our car, it has been broken for over 3 months. Lots of love The Holla

Newsletter - Graduation - Aug 2022

 Good day beloved  We hope that you are all doing well and trust that it is well with your soul in Jesus Name. In this newsletter, we would just like to share what has been happening in the ministry over the last month. We had the privilege to witness the graduation of 7 young men who successfully completed the 6 months program at the restoration center where we have been working since the beginning of the year. Seeing these young men's lives changed by prayer and faith in the Name of our King is such an honor. We give our Father in Heaven all the Glory. His work in these men's hearts and seeing the healing in them is something worth living for. The grandparents, parents, and families were so grateful and excited to witness this glorious day. We thank our Father for the work that Past Dries, his son Jakobus, the general manager, and Riaan the manager at the center are doing in the lives of these men. This was a very special day. Here are two videos below of songs that the men s

Newsletter - Laying the Foundation - July 2022

Good day beloved  We hope that you are all doing good and we trust that it is well with your soul in Jesus Name.  In this newsletter, we would just like to share what has been happening in the ministry over the last month. This month we continued preaching the Word of God weekly and we had more intakes. There were also more counseling sessions. We had a session with the young men about the dangers of being involved in the occult as well as deliverance sessions with each man one on one. Praise our Father for His Word and Holy Spirit who set them free from bondage. We were also invited to minister in Pretoria. What a glorious time to see deliverance, healing, and breakthroughs in His Name. When we were in Pretoria we also when to Nylstroom to meet new people who have a heart for God's Kingdom in reaching more souls for Jesus through camps. On our way back our 18-year-old car broke down 25km before Bloemfontein. We have been stranded here in Bloemfontein for 5 days now and only manage

Newsletter - Ministering in His Name - Jun 2022

Good day beloved  We hope that you are all doing good and we trust that it is well with your soul Greetings from our farmhouse outside Dewetsdorp. In this newsletter, we would just like to share what has been happening in the ministry over the last month. It was a privilege to celebrate the 21st birthday 🍰 of Bairon one of the young men here at the rehab center. This month we started a baking and cooking program where we are creating a recipe book for them to use in everyday baking and cooking. Here are some photos. We make the recipes as God provides the ingredients. This is Mark with some cornbread 🍞 Here is Ambros with the banana bread 🍞 that he learned to bake Here’s everybody enjoying the melkkos recipe Charmaine is a lady who comes once a month to teach the men some art skills. She also involved our kids in this month’s lesson, may our Heavenly Father bless her for this gift. Please continue to pray with us as there are still several challenges we face with transport, πŸ’¦ water

Newsletter - Short season in Bloemspruit - May 2022

Good day I hope you are all doing good and that it is well with you and your families. We have finally moved and started to settle in at our new place in Bloemspruit which is just across the road from the restoration center where we minister every week. Here is a view of our little home from the outside: There are a lot of broken people in this area so please continue to pray for us while we labor in the Kingdom to bring the people to Jesus to make them whole. I am also doing counseling in the afternoons after working in the mornings to compensate for our place to stay. We are very excited about teaching new skills to the men at the rehab/restoration center in order to enrich their lives and better their chances to get good work after completing the healing program. Thank you for all your continued prayers and support for the work of the Kingdom and for the provision of our daily needs. Phil 4:7 Lots of love The Hollander family  πŸ‡πŸ“–   Missionaries in Africa How to Partner with Us: Re

Newsletter - Do you have enough oil in your lamp? - Apr 2022

 Good day beloved Hope you are all doing good and that it is well with your soul. I greet you all in the name of our Lord God and Savior, Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah). What an awesome olive harvest we had this year! So thankful towards our Father. This reminded me of the parable of the 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins. Olive oil comes from crushing the olives which reminds me of us as believers feeling overwhelmed when we are crushed by tribulation and persecution, but this yields the precious oil that we need for our lamps in order to shine forth the Light of the Word of Truth.  We give our Abba all the honor for the open door to minister at the restoration center where we minister every WednesdayπŸ™Œ I lead them in Worship, followed by a message out of God's Word. Ilse prepares the meal for the evening and the kids love to help her. We also want to ask you all to keep Riaan and the whole team at Kairos church in your prayers for the good work that they are doing in the lives of th