
Showing posts from June, 2022

Newsletter - Ministering in His Name - Jun 2022

Good day beloved  We hope that you are all doing good and we trust that it is well with your soul Greetings from our farmhouse outside Dewetsdorp. In this newsletter, we would just like to share what has been happening in the ministry over the last month. It was a privilege to celebrate the 21st birthday 🍰 of Bairon one of the young men here at the rehab center. This month we started a baking and cooking program where we are creating a recipe book for them to use in everyday baking and cooking. Here are some photos. We make the recipes as God provides the ingredients. This is Mark with some cornbread 🍞 Here is Ambros with the banana bread 🍞 that he learned to bake Here’s everybody enjoying the melkkos recipe Charmaine is a lady who comes once a month to teach the men some art skills. She also involved our kids in this month’s lesson, may our Heavenly Father bless her for this gift. Please continue to pray with us as there are still several challenges we face with transport, 💦 water