
Showing posts from August, 2022

Newsletter - Graduation - Aug 2022

 Good day beloved  We hope that you are all doing well and trust that it is well with your soul in Jesus Name. In this newsletter, we would just like to share what has been happening in the ministry over the last month. We had the privilege to witness the graduation of 7 young men who successfully completed the 6 months program at the restoration center where we have been working since the beginning of the year. Seeing these young men's lives changed by prayer and faith in the Name of our King is such an honor. We give our Father in Heaven all the Glory. His work in these men's hearts and seeing the healing in them is something worth living for. The grandparents, parents, and families were so grateful and excited to witness this glorious day. We thank our Father for the work that Past Dries, his son Jakobus, the general manager, and Riaan the manager at the center are doing in the lives of these men. This was a very special day. Here are two videos below of songs that the men s