
Showing posts from January, 2023

Newsletter - Breakthroughs - January 2023

Greetings beloved Hope you are all well. 😃 I greet you all in the Name of our Great God and Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. Here is the scripture for the month: “Matt 25:32 Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.”   Here is a picture of our family in our kitchen We just wanted to give God, our Father, all the glory for all the souls that are being reached with the Gospel. This month we continued with the Bible study sessions at the Highschool. There are about 50 students in the class and we trust our Father for 7 of them need Bibles in the following languages English or South Sotho. Most of the students are female, so we trust the Father that there will be a revival amongst the boys as well. Please pray with us. We also have praise and worship services on Sunday mornings for the kids in the hostel. They are about 100 kids attending the service and they love to sing and dance for the Ki