
Showing posts from April, 2023

Newsletter - Getting Wisdom - April 2023

  Greetings beloved Hope you are all well. 😃 I greet you all in the Name of our Great God and Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. Here are the scriptures for the month: Psalms 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom. Psalms 19:9 The fear of the LORD is clean enduring forever. Proverbs 4:5-7 Get Wisdom. James 1:5 If you lack Wisdom, ask your heavenly Father. First of all,  we would just love to give God all the glory for sending a brother to lend us the money to repair and service our car, the Toyota RAV4. Halleluyah!! We got an interest-free loan for R48000 to pay back at R1000 per month for 48 months starting on the 5 th of June 2023 and ending on 5 May 2027. Here are some scriptures on this matter: Exodus 22:25, Deut 23:19, Thanks be to God for giving us the Bibles that we asked for!🙌 Here are some pictures of the school children that we reach with the Word of God:   We just wanted to give God, our Father, all the glory for all the souls that a