
Showing posts from March, 2020

Newsletter - Being the Mission field - Mrt 2020

News from the Mission field                                                                      7 March 2020 Blessed are the poor in spirit and pure in heart (Matt 5:3,8) We have seen our Father in action during our time in Mozambique, what glorious testimonies we can give to honour our King. Just before our departure for the mission field from Pretoria, we had the tragic news of our beloved friend Eckard’s sister, Louisa’s passing, on 4 Feb 2020. So, on our arrival in Mozambique on the 6 Feb, we quickly jumped in to help with the memorial and cremation arrangements. Seeing the impact of her passing at the school where she was teaching and the impact of her life in the church community touched our hearts.   The month that we were in Mozambique went past so quickly as we were busy with the Father’s work and we could see His provision every day. Visiting the orphanages and spending time with them teaching them the Word and leading them in prayer and worship t