Newsletter - Being the Mission field - Mrt 2020

News from the Mission field                                                                     7 March 2020

Blessed are the poor in spirit and pure in heart (Matt 5:3,8)

We have seen our Father in action during our time in Mozambique, what glorious testimonies we can give to honour our King. Just before our departure for the mission field from Pretoria, we had the tragic news of our beloved friend Eckard’s sister, Louisa’s passing, on 4 Feb 2020. So, on our arrival in Mozambique on the 6 Feb, we quickly jumped in to help with the memorial and cremation arrangements. Seeing the impact of her passing at the school where she was teaching and the impact of her life in the church community touched our hearts.

The month that we were in Mozambique went past so quickly as we were busy with the Father’s work and we could see His provision every day. Visiting the orphanages and spending time with them teaching them the Word and leading them in prayer and worship through songs playing with my guitar. These children are hungry for the Truth. We also celebrated a couple of birthdays. Ilse and the girls spend some time chatting with the older girls and my boys and I loved spending time with the orphan boys playing soccer and basketball.

Trusting Him for our daily bread and needs was met by His loving kindness. We had people carrying food to us from different sources and this showed us that this was our Father in action.

Getting to know their culture. This is a common sight in Mozambique. Selling boiled eggs and coconuts.

Prayers needed for:

·         To remain in the Father’s Good, Perfect and Acceptable Will.
·         Provision for our daily needs as well as our transport.
·         Complete healing for Zoey as well as for our family to remain healthy.
·         Guidance on with whom to do our in-house training and the provision for that.

We had the privilege to spend a day with brother Sam and his wife Jenny with the people in the bush:

Driving with our families out to the bush from Maputo
The little church in the bush, we sang together, prayed together and I had the opportunity to share the Word with the congregation.



The missionary house of Sam, the house walls are made of reeds.

The 2 rooms inside the house

Toilet in the bush

Sam's well where you can draw water

Eating with the bush people, Cooking done with wood

Cassava-carrot like plant

Food with the bush people 
The small village near the bush about 10min drive called Manhica

lease continue to keep us in your prayers and thanks for all your support.

Lots of Love
Steve and Ilse and the Hollander Family
How to partner with us:
Read: 1 Corinthians 9:13-14, Philippians  2:25, Acts 20:24, Luke 6:38, Galatians 6:6
To donate in South Africa or from other nations: 
Absa Bank 
Name of account:  Hollander missionaries 
Account Number: 9339912135 
Branch code: 632005 
Account Type: Savings  
Swift Number:  ABSAZAJJ (international transfer code)
Copyright © 2019 Steve & Ilse, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: 
PO Box 48075
Hercules, 0030
South Africa


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