
Showing posts from 2021

Newsletter - Summary of 2021 - Dec 2021

Good day beloved Hope you are doing good and that all is well with you Here is a video where we shared our experience in the mission field for 2021  For the English video click below:   Missionary journey for 2021 Vir die Afrikaanse Video klik op skakel hier onder:   Sending reis vir 2021 Thank you for all your continued prayers and support for the work of the Kingdom and for the provision of everything in our daily lives. Phil 4:7 Lots of love The Hollander family 🍇📖   Missionaries in Africa How to Partner with Us: Read   1 Corinthians 9:13-14,  Philippians   2:25,  Acts 20:24, Luke 6:38, Galatians 6:6   To donate in South Africa or from other nations:  Absa Bank  Name of account:  Hollander missionaries  Account Number: 9339912135  Branch code: 632005  Account Type: Savings   Swift Number:  ABSAZAJJ

Newsletter - Dangers ⚠️ troubles, hardships, persecution, hunger, poverty, war - Nov 2021

Greetings beloved  I hope you are doing good and that it is well with your soul.  First of all I just wanted to thank our Father for always giving us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshuah Messiah).  Thank you so much for reading our newsletter and we are grateful 😊 for all your prayers and support.  Sometimes we go through difficult times and troubles in our lives. Hardships is part of life and many times they can be overwhelming. We are pressing forward with the work of the Kingdom👑 but to be honest we have had some setbacks in the past few weeks 😢 * Our trailer broke when I was helping an elderly brother to move some furniture. We are waiting on the Lord to help with the repairs🔧🔩⚙️  * My wife Ilse has been struggling with her health but we thank our Father for helping us to get some natural medication. Please continue to pray with us for her complete healing and for provision to be able to pay for her treatment.  * The owners of the place where we are staying just

Newsletter - He will tabernacle with us - Oct 2021

Good day beloved  I trust you are all doing good and that you are in health even as your soul prospers.  3 John 1:2 We had the privilege to camp the last week of September. This was during the  Lord's feast of tabernacles and during this week I was reminded of the promise of our Father that all this life is temporary and that we should focus on the things that are eternal and that we can look forward to Him that will tabernacle with us.  The children always enjoy this so much and always looks forward to this.  It's like they are designed for the Kingdom.  I am reminded of the scripture that says you need to become like a little child in order to enter into the Kingdom.  I was reading this scripture where our Father says "he that endures to the end shall be saved" Matt 10:22.  Therefore we continue  to run the race that is set before us and we continue in the faith to do the work of the Kingdom.  ( 1 Cor 9:24 and Heb 12:1) I have 10 people coming for weekly counselling

Newsletter - Search my heart Ps 139:23 - Sep 2021

Good day beloved  Hope you are all doing good. I greet you all in the wonderful Name of our King. We just finished celebrating the feast of trumpets and we are approaching the day of atonement which will be on the 18th of September.  The next few days we will focus on remembering what our High Priest has done for us all and the atonement sacrifice that He has made for all of us.  This time is a time of searching our hearts and asking our Father in Heaven to turn our hearts back to His Word and Spirit.  I am reminded during this time of Psalm 51 where David was praying and repenting from his sins.  "Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to Your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight, so that You may be justified in Your words and blameless in Your judgm

Newsletter - Making disciples - Aug 2021

Greetings to all believers Hope you are all doing good despite all the hardship in South Africa. I pray for you that He will calm your storm. Let us remain in prayer on our knees for this country and this nation. #JesusCanSaveSA. We are also praying and trusting our Lord for complete healing for all our fellow believers and their loved ones who have been affected by this sickness. Remember those who endure to the very end will be saved. Put your trust in Him for your healing and don't trust in what man can offer or do. We are in the month before feast of Trumpets and during this month we are preparing and seeking our Father for people to repent from sins and to seek the Living God. This is also a time to "Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!" 2 Cor 13:5  I have been making disciples of those who gave their hearts to the Lo

Newsletter - Work while it is day - Jul 2021

Greetings to you who believe Hope you are all doing good despite all the chaos in South Africa. I pray that He will calm your storm. Let us remain in prayer on our knees for this country and this nation. #JesusCanSaveSA. We are also praying and trusting our Lord for complete healing for all our fellow believers and their loved ones who have been affected by sickness. Remember those who endure to the very end will be saved. I was reminded this past two weeks about a scripture: Joh 9:4  I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. We have been going out and doing street evangelism where we would share the Gospel with strangers and also leave them with a Gospel track which I only had in English until last week when a fellow brother in the Lord printed and delivered 800 Afrikaans as well as 800 English Gospel tracts so that we can continue doing the work of the Lord. We also hand out a sandwich to the hungry the way the Creator did whe

Newsletter - Street Evangelism in His Name - Jun 2021

Greetings beloved Hope you are all doing good 😃 I greet you all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We just wanted to give God, our Father, all the glory for all the souls that are being reached with the Gospel. This month we had an outreach to the Klerksdorp area where I did street evangelism. There were 6 new converts who I directed to one of the congregations there. Two of the 6 needed Bibles and the Lord provided Bibles for them (See photo with one of them named Alifa above) My wife is busy with a project to make beanies for those in need as well as for homeless people. Please keep her also in your prayers for guidance on who to bless as well as for provision for the wool. She loves to pray for the person while she is making something for them. There is also time for us to start working on the roof of the counselling room. HalleluYAH!! We trust that the roof can be fixed before the end of this month. The building on missionary house is making progress. Praise our Father in heave

Newsletter - Doing the work of the Kingdom - May 2021

Good day beloved I hope you are all doing good and that you are in good health. I greet you all in the Name of our Lord Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ)📖. Here is our scripture for the month : "But you, you have closely followed my teaching, conduct, purpose in life, trust, steadfastness, love, and perseverance"  2 Timothy 3:10  We just wanted to give you an update on the progress in our ministry. Doing the work of the Kingdom includes the following for us: Doing the work of an evangelist  2 Tim 4:5, preaching the Word Counseling people that want to be disciples and who seeks deliverance Making videos on the Word and making them available online Looking out for the widows and orphans  Intersession in prayers for the Body of Messiah (We are also praying for each one of you) and all work that the Spirit of the Living God asks us to do in His Name. The building on missionary house is making progress. Praise our Father in heaven for His provision. I have been busy doing the tile an

Newsletter - The Goodness of God - Apr 2021

 Good day fellow believers Looking back at this month and reflecting on the goodness of God. I thank the Lord always for what He has done. We were invited to reach out to the Western Cape to minister. After praying about it for a while some fellow believers contacted us to notify us that we have accommodation. Taking this as a sign that Father wants us to go there and do counselling we prayed more about how we will be getting there since we still needed fuel. Within a few days a payment came in on the account that confirmed the amount needed to travel. Praise our Lord and Savior for His provision. Upon arrival I realized that our Father has not just called us to work down there but also to rest a little and be refreshed.  We had the privilege to stay with fellow believers and also very good friends of us for many years.  As you know already we are still praying and trusting that God will help us to get the counselling room ready. While we are waiting , He has been good to us in providi

Newsletter - Father's Heart for the Orphans - Mrt 2021 3/3

 Good day beloved What a glorious time invested in the orphans. We were honored to be invited to minister at an orphanage during the feast of unleavened bread. Deut 16:14; Deut 26:12; James 1:27; Deut 10:18 The Lord had a very powerful Word for them. I shared with them how God adopted orphans like Moses, Samuel and Esther. He used them mightily in His Kingdom to deliver His people, to appoint Kings, Judge His people and teach the children of God the Word of the Lord. When you think about it Joseph also adopted Jesus and raised Him. Jesus after getting to the age of 30 ministered mightily and gave His Life to Save all humanity from their sins. After He was Risen from the dead Jesus gave us instruction through His apostles to preach His Word to all Nations. The Everlasting Father also put it in our hearts to give these children a warm meal. So in faith we did just that. Please pray with us, God willingly, we would love to do monthly outreaches to the orphanages He shows us. Someone offer