Newsletter - Making disciples - Aug 2021

Greetings to all believers

Hope you are all doing good despite all the hardship in South Africa. I pray for you that He will calm your storm. Let us remain in prayer on our knees for this country and this nation. #JesusCanSaveSA. We are also praying and trusting our Lord for complete healing for all our fellow believers and their loved ones who have been affected by this sickness. Remember those who endure to the very end will be saved. Put your trust in Him for your healing and don't trust in what man can offer or do.

We are in the month before feast of Trumpets and during this month we are preparing and seeking our Father for people to repent from sins and to seek the Living God. This is also a time to "Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!" 2 Cor 13:5 

I have been making disciples of those who gave their hearts to the Lord. This is a very crucial process in the growth of a new believer since it has been greatly neglected in the body of Christ. Please continue to pray for us and these new followers of our Messiah. 

We also need prayer for another brother in the Lord who committed to translating the Gospel track from English to South Sotho. I trust the Lord for time wherein this brother will find the time to help us with the translation.

Awesome breakthroughs in the counselling  also encourages us and we see people who have been in bondage, traumatized and broken for many years get healing from our Father. Glory to His Name.

I have also started a series of videos in studying the Bible in #Afrikaans. For those who would love to follow our YouTube channel click on the link below and feel free to share with your friends and family.

#Skrifgedeeltes van die Week.

Thank you for all your continued prayers, support and words of encouragement so that we can continue the work of the Kingdom. Phil 4:7

Peace and wholeness to you in His Name 

The Hollander family 🍇📖

Missionaries in Africa 

How to partner with us:
Read: 1 Corinthians 9:13-14, Philippians  2:25, Acts 20:24, Luke 6:38, Galatians 6:6

email us: or 
mobile : +2772 605 0583


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