Newsletter - New Year New opportunities - Jan Feb 2022

Good day beloved

Hope you are all doing good, we pray that 2022 may be a blessed year for you and your families.

We started a new home fellowship group this month where new disciples in the Lord can fellowship and grow in practicing their faith. Our belief is in the whole Word of God to be the foundation of every believer in Christ.

Praise the Lord for the new disciples that are receiving counseling! Some disciples also require deliverance from demonic oppression and we give our Father all the glory for delivering them 🙌🏾 According to the Scriptures, this was also done by our Master and the Apostles as our examples. 

This ministry also focuses on studying and teaching the Word of God on a daily basis and producing a weekly video on going through the scriptures for that particular week's portion.

Mikra ministry was the name that the Lord gave us many years ago and it simply means "rehearsal" like in practicing and rehearsal for a theatre production. In this same manner, we practice doing the Word of God instead of just being hearers only that are deceiving themselves. 

"James 1:22  But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves"

Being full-time missionaries we don't get any salaries and this ministry relies on the support of the listeners and body of Christ as Paul wrote they who preach the Word of God should also live of the Word of God as ordained by God. 

"1 Cor 9:14, Even so, hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel"

Please continue to pray for us as we have also received news that the owners of the property where we are staying currently are selling this property. They also informed us that the stables and equestrian part of the property are now being rented out to a new tenant and she has indicated that she will buy this property as soon as her property is sold. This means that we need to trust the Lord for a new place to stay and minister from since she (the new owner) already indicated that she wants us to vacate the missionary house because she wants to convert it back into stables for horses.

Thank you for all your continued prayers and support for the work of the Kingdom and for the provision of everything in our daily lives. Phil 4:7

Lots of love

The Hollander family 🍇📖

 Missionaries in Africa

How to Partner with Us:

Read: 1 Corinthians 9:13-14, Philippians  2:25, 

Acts 20:24, Luke 6:38, Galatians 6:6


To donate in South Africa or from other nations: 

Absa Bank 

Name of account:  Hollander missionaries 

Account Number: 9339912135 

Branch code: 632005 

Account Type: Savings  

Swift Number:  ABSAZAJJ (international transfer code)

Copyright © 2022 Steve & Ilse, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: 


PO Box 48075

Hercules, 0030

South Africa 

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