Newsletter - Living water from the belly - Jan 2024

Greetings beloved

We hope you are doing good and that it is well with your soul📖 I greet you all in the wonderful Name of our Great God and Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here are the scriptures for the month:

“He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”         

John 7:38 

”Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is His reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.“

Psalm 127:3-5 KJV

On the 14th of January, we had the privilege to hold this beautiful baby girl. She is a miracle baby. We ministered to her mom last year in April 2023. She got pregnant while still studying and her boyfriend and friends advised her to abort the child. After counselling her and showing her that there are better options than murdering the child, she decided to go full-term and give birth. We give thanks to the LORD and praise Him for helping us to be in the right place at the right time. She wants to keep her baby and the grandmother will help so she can complete her studies.

Here are some photos to celebrate the baby’s new life:

Here you can see Lerato (one of the teachers) who approached us to help with the mother of the baby.

Below she is so peacefully sleeping after we blessed her and prayed over her.

Here you can see our daughter Abigail holding the baby. She loves working with babies and small children. Her dream is to work at an orphanage when she is older 😊

We continue with the ministry at the school; we have Bible study on Thursdays and an English church service on Sundays. The new converts each will receive a new Bible. We needed 20 new Bibles and praise the LORD, the Bibles arrived. Please pray with us for His continued provision. Please continue to pray for the 4 schools in our area. The new principal was appointed, and we thank the Lord also for the appointment of the teachers. Please continue to pray with us for godly people to fill the available positions in Jesus's Name.

We celebrated 3 birthdays this month where we could pray for them as well as bless them while trusting our Father to bring them to a place where they walk in the fullness of His purpose for their lives in His holy Name.

Thank you to all of you who gave so that the Good Word, Who is the Good SEED, can go out and accomplish His will in the lives of these precious sons and daughters.

Please continue to pray for us: 

v We are still trusting the LORD for a breakaway so that we can rest

v We have been invited to minister in Pretoria in Feb 2024

v For my wife’s health. We trust the LORD for her complete healing. She is booked to be at the hospital again on 5th March 2024 for the same test.

v All the counselling sessions scheduled for the coming month

v All the Bible study- and Church services scheduled for the coming month

Thank you for all your continued prayers and support with a word of encouragement or financially so that we can continue the work of the Kingdom and for the provision of everything in our daily lives. Phil 4:7

Lots of love 

The Hollander family 🍇📖

Missionaries in Africa 

How to partner with us:

Read: 1 Corinthians 9:13-14, Philippians 2:25, Acts 20:24, Luke 6:38, Galatians 6:6

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